AS Film Opening

Friday 29 November 2013

Sound research

To research sound I looked at similar films and how they used sound in different scenes. I looked at some of our inspirations such as I am Legend. In I am Legend there isn't much music because the silence is used to show how alone and isolated the character is. A lot of similar films also use silence and the sound of nature to convey that there are no more humans.

I then looked at theme songs for our inspirations and found that they create a very eerie and sounds like slow realisation as the music builds up. In the theme for 28 days later the music builds up and gets more intense. I think we should use something similar as Maddie will get clues of her situation as the beginning of the film progresses. I think this will help the audience understand what Maddie is feeling without her saying anything. We will need to find some similar music to this that is not copyrighted.

I think we could use sound effects to give the feeling of isolation and loneliness. I think using sounds of nature such as birds will create the atmosphere that we want. Putting more emphasis on the sounds Maddie makes will make the audience aware of the silence and make the atmosphere very eerie.

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